Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Somewhere in the Middle

I've always been a middle type of person-- middle child, average height, medium shirt size, even my hair now is mid-length. When I used to take personality tests in those teen magazines I would always end up with a result that fell between the 2 extreme scores. Even when it comes to friendship, I'd rather be the mediator than one of the 2 parties arguing.

Anyway what I really wanted to share is that I love being a middle class citizen. My family isn't what I would call financially thriving. We live in a simple house in Marikina, own 2 overused cars, 2 household helpers, never had a driver (my dad would drop us to school and pick us up every single day). My mom always taught me to stick to the basic necessities and boy, did I stick to that philosophy as I grew older. My friends who know me well enough know that I like to keep my life as simple as possible. I'm not exactly the best person to shop with at the mall cuz I'd probably just make you feel guilty about everything you buy for over P500. It happens.

A friend and I were chatting earlier about what to do with our lives. He recommended that i walk the corporate road for at least 2 years before I go on my own and start my own business or whatever. And I know he's right. But right now I'm still too young and idealistic to work for the sake of money. i told him that I don't mind what I'm doing for as long as it involves one or all of the ff: travel, sports, environmental and social responsibility. I want to do what they call Social Entrepreneurship, which basically refers to a business whose primary aim is some social/environmental good, apart from profit. And then there was the idea of making some luxury product that can only be afforded by the upper class, and then letting the proceeds go to some better cause. Sort of like what Starbucks is doing. I call it the modern-day Robin Hood method.

Apart from the youth, I think the hope of the nation lies in the middle class. You talk about the widening gap between A and E? Well C is that bridge. We have the advantage of seeing both perspectives from an unbiased position. I know that I don't want to be excessively rich, but I don't want to be poor either. I don't understand why everyone seems to be aiming for a spot on the very tiny tip of the social triangle, when there's so much space right below it.

Aristotle describes the key to happiness as the Golden Mean -- which is the desirable middle between two extremes, one of excess and the other of deficiency. In other words, it's about finding the balance between opposites. Even the Spice Girls had it all figured out when they said "Too much of something is bad enough". if it's anything I learned from my Philosophy of Morality classes, it's that.

What's my point? I guess I just want everyone to be happy where they are. For millions of people around the world, 3 full meals a day is all they have (and need) to be thankful for.

God, I still don't know what to do with my life.

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