Monday, March 31, 2008

French Kiss

The best thing about being single and open minded is that you give yourself opportunities to end up in the strangest situations. For example? Accepting an invitation to a party from a French person you only formally met through Facebook. Why? I really was free that night.

So I dragged my best friend along and found ourselves in the 14th floor of a condominium occupied by French foreign exchange students drinking and chatting in the one european language I never got around to learn. Even the person who invited me there was a stranger to me, and I had to put on my best foreigner mingling skills, with added difficulty due to the language barrier. We survived--uncomfortable and misplaced-- but we survived.

I find myself being the only Filipina amongst 4 Frenchies having some drinks in a bar. Misplaced again, I struggle to keep up with the conversation. Felt like their little toy. They were showing me how the French like to smoke and drink and just have a good time.

And they showed me how to French kiss.

There's a HUGE difference in culture between French and Filipinos. From the food we eat, to the language, to the standard social customs. To them a kiss is just a kiss and nothing more. The French girl leaned over and kissed me on the lips, right after kissing the 2 boys beside me, with her French boyfriend right next to her. They were drunk from all their Bangenges and I was cold sober (as I always am during these situations). I was just thoroughly amused at the situation, and at the same time the back of my head was telling me they were just fooling around with my ignorant non-french-speaking self. But it was educational for me, so it didn't matter.

So yeah. French Kiss now crossed of my list.

Adding new things to my Life's to-do list:
  • Meet a French maid
  • Meet a German shepherd
  • Eat Swiss chocolate
  • Drink Dutch milk
  • French kiss
Any more ideas?

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