Wednesday, February 25, 2009


After more than a year in this company, I finally went through my first evaluation as an employee. Apparently the system here allows a numerical grading system to rate my performance based on certain job descriptions on my contract.

How did I do? I got a 2.5 which is AVERAGE, meaning I meet expectations.

What did I expect? Lower than that, to be honest.

For many weeks now I've been frustrated with this job not because it wasn't fun... not because I find it difficult or stressful. On the contrary, I find it to be to unchallenging, too unstressful, and just plain easy. Yet despite finding my job easy, I still scored a measly 2.5 out of a perfect 5.

Strengths (accdg to my boss)
- fast learner, can quickly understand concepts and instructions, reliable for the most part.

- still quite the rookie at times, needs to try and initiate more or assert herself
- too easily distracted at times.

Areas for Further Development
- Plan, Prioritize and Execute... weekly, monthly, annually
- Always aim for the best results

Allow me to just vent out my inner reactions....

1. I don't have a system. No daily or weekly schedule to follow, no reports to submit on a regular basis.
2. No one taught me how to do my friggin job!! On the areas they did teach me what to do, I perform FINE.
3. I know I can do WAY better than that. God.

And to think I've been looking for other options already. This job won't earn me any savings. And it seems like the only way to be earning a comfortable rate is if I friggin own the company. But then should I leave knowing I didn't even perform well at this job... ? I've always been the type to aim for good grades and to impress the superiors, which is why this frustrates me.

It's like getting a C in History because you weren't there for the lecture before the exam.

So what to do from here?
Well for as long as I'm still in the company, I told myself I'd make the most out of it. Being a rookie is NOT an excuse! A lot of the above are also my fault and I'm well aware of that. So here's my next list:

NOTES-TO-SELF to do better in this job:
1. Formulate a FULL to-do list (think of more things to do apart from what they tell you)
2. If you're stuck doing nothing, GO TO A STORE
3. Visit each store at least once every month
4. Bring a notebook and pen to note ideas
5. FOLLOW UP on those ideas when you get back to the office.
6. Initiate your OWN weekly/monthly reports.
7. During events, clarify your role and to-do's.
8. ASK questions.
9. SUCK UP to the boss, for once.

10. Find other options.

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