Thursday, July 10, 2008

Reliving Childhood

One of the things I like most about my job right now is the industry I'm in. I love that my work is people's play. We sell apparel and gear for wakeboarding, skating, or surfing -- which are things a majority of adults would only do to "get away" or "try something extreme" or "relive childhood". But to myself, and the select few out there, it's more than just something you do on a whim-- it's a LIFESTYLE-- and my lifestyle has definitely changed thanks to the circumstances my job has offered me.

Thanks to the things and people I've been exposed to, I now spend some of my weeknights carving along the streets of High Street or Forbes or Dasma on a longboard skateboard. I have 3 new blatantly visible scars on my arms and knees which resulted from my idiotic attempts to go down the big hills without any protection (not to mention lack of experience).

I remember spending my summer afternoons outside the house-- the lone little girl with glasses rollerblading with the boys, also attempting to jump over chairs, little bikes, going down stairs and what not. I would do 360s, 180s, etc. I was even convinced I could've made it to the X-games if I never stopped. (I was a cocky little girl)

After all my near-death incidents from longboarding, I decided to do the next "smart" thing--
While all the itching surfers are getting their stoke fix from their Sector9's, I decided to go down those big hills on a pair of inline skates, just like I used to when I was 9 years old. Even though I'm probably the only female skater my age within a 10mile radius, at least I'm more comfortable with what I'm doing, and its back to rediscovering my old tricks. And it's a great way to burn those damn Krispy Kreme donuts in my growing tummy.

I told my mom I bought myself a pair of roller blades and she just said,

"Are you trying to be a kid again?!"

Hey, since when is that a bad thing?

And this is my goal for the coming months:


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